

You can use slots to render templates. Let's create a app.edge file inside the views/components/layout directory.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>{{ title || "Your default title" }}</title>
@if ($slots.meta)
{{{ await $slots.meta() }}}
{{{ await $slots.main() }}}

Defining the layout inside the components directory allows us to leverage the component as tags feature. Since we are storing inside the layout directory and that we named the file app.edge, we can use the tag to render the layout.

Edit the welcome.edge file inside the views directory.
In this example, we want to render the main content of our welcome page using $slots.main function, add a meta markup with $slots.meta, and change the default title.

views/welcome.edge{ title: "Welcome page title" })
<meta name="description" content="A welcome page made with EdgeJS">
<h1>Hello world</h1>

As you can see, we can use slots to replace section of our layout. This is what we have done with the meta section and the main section.