

Slots are named outlets you can define within the component opening and closing tag using the @slot tag. The component can access slots as functions via the $slots object.

Let's create a card component and use slots to render different card sections.

@let(attributes = $props
class: ['card']
<div {{ attributes }}>
<div class="card_header">
{{{ await $slots.header() }}}
<div class="card_contents">
{{{ await $slots.content() }}}

Now, let's use the card component and define its contents using slots.

@card({ class: ['card-lg', 'card-shadow'] })
<strong> Quick start </strong>
<p> Start building your next project in minutes </p>

Main and named slots

In the previous example, we used named slots to define contents for multiple outlets. However, you can use the main slot if a component needs just one slot.

The main slot refers to all the contents inside the component's opening and closing tag. In the following example, we accept the card title as a prop and its content as a main slot.

<div {{ attributes }}>
<div class="card_header">
{{ title }}
<div class="card_contents">
{{{ await $slots.main() }}}
@card({ title: 'Quick start' })
<p> Start building your next project in minutes </p>

Slots scopes

Slots defined using the @slot tag can access the state of the current template. They do not have access to the component state.

In the following example, we define the cardSize and the sizes variables. These variables are available only to the component, not the parent template slots.

@let(cardSize = 'medium')
@let(sizes = {
medium: '350px',
small: '200px',
large: '450px'
<div class="{{ sizes[cardSize] }}">
<div class="card_header">
{{{ await $slots.header() }}}
<div class="card_contents">
{{{ await $slots.content() }}}
<strong> Quick start </strong>
{{-- The value of cardSize will be undefined --}}
<p> I am a {{ cardSize }} card </p>

However, a component can pass data to the slot when rendering it. Let's look at the following example:

@let(cardSize = 'medium')
@let(sizes = {
medium: '350px',
small: '200px',
large: '450px'
<div class="{{ sizes[cardSize] }}">
<div class="card_header">
{{{ await $slots.header({ sizes, cardSize }) }}}
<div class="card_contents">
{{{ await $slots.content({ sizes, cardSize }) }}}

Now, you can access the shared state inside the @slot component as follows.

<strong> Quick start </strong>
@slot('content', componentState)
<p> I am a {{ componentState.cardSize }} card </p>