

You can write conditional blocks within Edge templates using the @if, @elseif, and the @else tags. The inner working of these tags is similar to the JavaScript if/else statements.

<p> {{ user.username }} </p>
<p> Hello {{ user.fullName }}! </p>
<p> Hello {{ user.firstName }}! </p>
<p> Hello Guest! </p>

The unless tag

Alongside the @if tag, you can also use the @unless tag to express not if statements. For example:

With @if tag
<p>Please verify your email address to activate the account </p>
With @unless tag
<p>Please verify your email address to activate the account </p>

Using the ternary operator

You can write inline conditionals using the JavaScript ternary operator.

class="input {{ hasError ? 'error' : '' }}"